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Choosing High Quality, Sustainable, Beautiful Outdoor Furniture

28th Jul 2017

We can all agree, when you are investing in patio furniture, you want it to be beautiful, durable, and sustainably manufactured. How do you find all of that rolled into one package? It can be tough, but in our second article in this two part series, we’re going to provide some tips to help you get it without making any compromises.

If you are looking for wicker patio furniture, be sure to check out our first article in this series. It covers everything you need to know about wicker.

Your top priority won’t be the same as mine, and mine won’t be the same as the next person. But, whether sustainability, quality, or beauty tops your list, there are three things you can do to make sure you get what you are looking for.

Check out the Manufacturer

Know what you are buying. That’s the only way to make sure that you are getting the quality, sustainability and long-lasting beauty you want. Don’t rely on what a salesperson tells you. Don’t just believe the online reviews. Do your own research. Find out what materials the manufacturer of the materials and the company that assembled the furniture. Do they really follow sustainable business practices, or are they just paying lip service to the environment? Are their materials as sturdy and color-fast as the salesperson told you? You need to satisfy yourself that the answers to these questions are “yes.” Don’t rely on someone else telling you what they think you need to know.

Comparison Shop

Once you’ve got enough information that you’re able to narrow things down to two or three options, shop around. You may find the exact same product pre-assembled, or with assembly required. You may find free shipping from some vendors, while others charge an arm and a leg. And you may find that the exact thing you want is only available from one source, like AquaTeak.


Don’t Rush

You may have an arbitrary deadline that you are trying to meet, although it may not feel arbitrary right now. Really think about it. If you rush to make a decision, and choose something you don’t really love, so that you have new patio furniture to impress your inlaws when they come to visit next month, you may be very happy during their visit. But how will you feel if a week after they leave, you find exactly what you’ve spent the last six months searching for? How about if, after one season, you have to replace all of your cushions because the quality was not up to par? That deadline you set for yourself seems pretty arbitrary now, doesn’t it?

Now you know what your journey is going to look like. So, get out there and get started, and don’t forget to include the AquaTeak Outdoor Furniture Catalogue in your search. We’re pretty confident that you’ll find the quality, beauty and sustainability you are hoping for.